Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Is texting more dangerous than drunk driving?

In my classmate Mike's blog post, Watts: Texting ban a safety issue, he talks about an article found in the Austin American Statesman which argues that driving while texting is more dangerous than drunk driving. The article also says that texting while driving should be banned statewide but Governor Rick Perry vetoed the bill that could've made this happen. Like Mike, I think implementing this law would prove to be very difficult. Many Texans will continue to text while driving even if the law were passed. On the other hand, the threat of fines may cause some to stop with the bad habit.

Up until last week I would've disagreed with this completely. I actually ended up wrecking my car last week because I was texting while driving. Now, I realize how dangerous texting while driving really can be. I just got lucky and walked out of my car healthy. Before the wreck, I was in denial, like many Texans, about the possible consequences of my actions. I now agree that texting while driving is  dangerous habit that needs to be stopped in Texas.

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